#360 - 2010-01-08 - wow factor
Yeah, they look so cute from afar, but once you get close they're all teeth and claws.
I played for 4 hours straight, completely forgetting to make tea or have dinner. Kinda forgot how addictive this game was. On the upside, I cleared two quests that had been sitting in my log for almost a year now..
rené: It's been quite a while since I last played this. Hmm.. let's see if my characters are still there....
rené: Eeey.. Everything is still there. Now let's see if I remember how this works.. huh?
Computer: *woop!*
rené: [from within the computer] Wow.. It sure is cold in winterspring.. Should have worn a warm coat.. had I known that I would be sucked in here, that is.. Oh look! A cuddly bear.. no.. wait.. let go of my arm! Argh!