The Daily Denada
#215 - 2009-08-16 - leaving on a jetplane
leaving on a jetplane
No, I don't own a t-shirt in that design, and I have no idea if the car is going to be that colour, but I do know that over there, the wheels are that size on the cars *cough*.

PS: there are going to be 5 guest strips from Christel as well. Yay :)
2009-08-16 12:09:03 CET
oh, oh, oh! this is strip #200 in. a. row!
2009-08-16 12:56:55 CET
Don't let them brainwash you... or search you in the airport... ;)
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2012-11-08 17:42:05
Den burde hedde The bimonthly Denada! :D..
2012-04-24 07:46:26
What is it? What can it do?..
2011-12-22 10:04:39
Both you and Pete Rouse :) (
2011-12-22 09:04:37
Getting a cat is a step on the way to get a GF. Someone once..
2011-10-20 08:10:31
I can tell you one thing... It is much cheaper to have a cat..
2011-05-28 12:26:46
again, I forgot to add little 'future-rené'-arrows ;)..
2011-05-28 12:00:55
What's up with the eye-patch?..
2011-05-28 10:49:55
It's shopping carts ;)..
The Daily Denada now has a shop where you can get your DD t-shirts.