#68 - 2009-03-22 - guest strip
Ok, total spur of the moment to do an even more coloured strip - and it's even sunday!
I started on this just before 4am, and I made it before roll-over, I am so proud.
In case you're wondering what that blue monster is, it's a cultfigure from the brilliant (yet insane) minds of
Dolph has an unofficial fansite - for people who understands, or wants to learn danish,
check it out
EDIT: WulffMorgenthaler is also available in
english here
rené: I had an idea, that perhaps I should start doing 'guest-strips' like all the other comics out there, so let me present totay's guest - doph! [phone rings] Excuse me.
rené: [on the phone] that's not the way it works?`oh, right, I see. Thank you.
rené: Sorry Doplh, maybe next week.
Dolph: [leaving] Aaaaargh!