#74 - 2009-03-28 - liquid bounty pt 2
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day, and how much Malibu and Cocio is needed for samplers for the rest of the world?
Btw, for those who might not know this, Cocio is a brand of chocolate milk sold here in DK (I have no idea if it's available outside the country). For best results, the lowfat version is used.
I am pretty sure, that most kinds of chotocolate milks can be used, but my personal recommendation is to go for something low-fat for less greasyness.
rené: It's liquid bounty!
T: Here, try some
N: Glurgh
rené: Today; Nicol!
T: Tomorrow; The world!
N: This is good! More!
rené + T: Muahahahaha!