# used for all other rss-sites, with smaller strip with lower quality strip, smaller file and watermark in the strip
$info["striptitle"] = "arkiv";
#$today = date("Ymd");
#$q = "select id, showdate, date_format(showdate,'%Y-%m-%d') as date, stripfile, striptitle, stripcaption from strips where showdate <= '".$today."' order by showdate desc limit 10";
$q = "select id, showdate, date_format(showdate,'%Y-%m-%d') as date, stripfile, striptitle, stripcaption from strips where showdate <= '".$today."' and active = \"yes\" order by showdate desc limit 10";
$res = mysqli_query($mcon,$q);
if (!$res) { $error = "error connection to DB: ".mysql_error(); }
#header("Content-type: text/xml");
header("Content-type: application/rss+xml");
echo "\n";
#echo "\n";
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
echo "The Daily Denada\n";
echo " http://daily.denada.dk\n";
echo " \n";
echo " The Sketchy Webcomic\n";
echo " en\n";
if (isset($error) && $error != "") { echo "
\n"; }
else {
while ($arr = mysqli_fetch_array($res)) {
# jeg forudsætter at roll-over er sat til kl 5..
$ttid = mktime(5,0,0,substr($arr["showdate"],4,2), substr($arr["showdate"],6,2), substr($arr["showdate"],0,4));
echo " \n";
# if ($arr["showdate"] == "20090401") {
# echo " \n";
# echo " ".stripslashes(nl2br(linkify("
Great News!
In, what I thought was just a wild dream, The Daily Denada has been aquired by the Disney Corporation, and I will now be doing a test-comic for the guys \'over there\' over the next 6 months.
This means, that I won't be able to show my work here anymore (copyright-issues you know), but you can check out my work over at Disney Corp when the first book ships in October
In the meantime, there will be a weekly update posted on their website - check it out here